Ice Breakers
*Kigoriak - Icebreaking Anchor Handling, Tug Supply Vessel (Arctic Class 4)
Robert Lemeur - Icebreaker/Supply Vessel (Arctic Class 3)
Supply Ships
Supplier I - Icebreaking Anchor Handling, Tug Supply Vessel
Supplier II - Icebreaking Anchor Handling, Tug Supply Vessel
Supplier III - Icebreaking Anchor Handling, Tug Supply Vessel
Supplier IV - Anchor Handling Supply Vessel
Supplier V - Survey, Coring, Tug Supply Ship
Supplier VI - Anchor Handling, Tug Supply Vessel
Supplier VII - Anchor Handling, Towing Supply Vessel
Supplier VIII - Shallow Draft Supply Vessel with Forward Loading Ramp
Drill Ships
Explorer I
Explorer II
Explorer III
Explorer IV
*Careen/John Wurmlinger - Arctric Drydock and Repair Facility
Tugger I - Anchor Handing Tug
Tugger II - Anchor Handing Tug
Widgeon/Teal - Survey, Tug Supply Vessel
Tingneak - High Speed Crew Change and Priority Freight Vessel
Sea Eagle - Deepsea Pusher, Anchor Handing Tug
Work Barge #1 - Construction Barge
Beaufort Island Rig #1
The compiled spec sheets can be downloaded here: